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Agatha Kronberg - Modern Artist 

Sarah Interview

Being interviewed was extremely weird, interesting and fun at the same time. At the beginning it took me by surprise, because I never been interviewed before so it was mad weird, and plus it was in the morning and I pretty sure I was half asleep. It was interesting because of the type of questions I was being asked and plus the set up was nice and professional which made it even better. The fun part of the whole thing was me answering the questions and the editing. Being asked question is fun because you get to speak out and say things that some people might not know about you. Editing was also fun, because not only do you feel like the boos, but you get to play around with things and see what happens.  
Interviewing someone was by far one of the coolest things I ever done. In fact, I am now thinking of quitting school and interviewing people for a living. At the beginning of the whole interview, things weren't running that smooth, I was low key scared and nerves because I didn't want to mess it up,  by me asking silly questions that were either too personal or not accurate enough. As soon as the camera started to roll, the atmosphere changed, started asking question like " where were you born?" to question such as " what is your opinion on Cardie b and Niki?" eventually time ran by and we had to stop. I didn't even realized but I did a great job with the question and not messing it up.
Behind the Camara 
Unfortunately , I did not get the chance of being behind the camera, but from I was seeing Devin did a great job plugging the mic in, and telling me where to stand so I can be in frame. 
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