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Making of a Murderer

       " Making of a Murderer" is about a young man with a bright future ahead of him, getting most of his life time take away, after being accused of raping a women and then disposing of the body. Unfortunately, for Steve begin a very humble, easy going person, and not having any education at all, wasn't hard at all to put all the blame on.Without having the chance to prove the officers and judge wrong, poor Steve was sentence to life for rape and murder. Everyone believed what the authorities had said about " Steven Avery" besides his family. As the years pass the case rests and opens over and over again, eventually after " 18 YEARS" as technology and science evolved, they came to find that the " BLOOD" on the victim was not from Steven Avery. The whole world goes crazy, filed with anger and emotions, everyone gets off their feet and start protesting and marching for justice, knowing that a innocent man was sentence for something he didn't commit. After 18 years, Steven comes out of jail to reunite with his family after almost thinking that he wasn't going to see them anymore.Eventually, Steven comes to a decision to get revenge. why? because he was done wrong. He then proceeds to file a a paper to the judge where it says that he wants 36 million dollars, and for the people that got him in their knowing that he was innocent, he wants them to pay for it. Everything was going smooth and juicy, but after 2 short years theres a women found dead, and so a new case opens. Eventually, after months of looking for that women, nothing is found but a key filled with blood, they take the key to examine it and it comes out to be "STEVENS" blood. All the evidence found was pointing at one person and one person only, and that was Steve.  People couldn't believe it, it was like everything that happen 20 years ago is happening all over again. Steve gets to finally talk and says " it wasn't me, this is a SET UP."




Lighting/music/personal opinion
           I thought the way how they picked when to film was great timing because it was a crime scene, and being sunny and nice outside just wouldn't fit. The music was great, it had some type of beat drops that were just right. the lighting I don't think it was really necessary because like I said before, this documentary was based on suspense, meaning that the darker everything seemed, the better it would fit with the film. Over all, this documentary was amazing, and I would definitely recommend it to everyone to watch, because it will have you thinking and guessing what the next scene will be. 
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